We were in the countryside near Pavia, northern Italy. A lovely place. Erika and Mauro are two photographers. More: two wedding photographers. They are very nice and delightful friends of mine. And they deserve everything they are and everything they have, because they are absolutely special and classy. The mere fact that they asked me to photograph their wedding makes me happy.
It was a special day. So many things to say if only I were able. But I am a photographer, not a writer. So… Take a look below.
{Wedding} Erika & Mauro

Carlo Alberto - Ma che commento a fare! sono monotono!! Spettacolari!
Marilena - Bellissime le foto come sono state le emozioni che ho condiviso dal vivo con voi sposini e amici!!!
Laura - Pareri autorevoli ci avevano avvisato che eri bravo, ma sono rimasta a bocca aperta comunque! Complimenti e saluti da uno dei vostri compagni di tavolo 🙂